Wednesday 29 January 2014

Cydia Tweak yang Terinstall pada iPhone sang Saurik

Jay Freeman, atau mungkin orang lebih banyak mengenalnya dengan sebutan Saurik,  Seorang Pendiri dari Cydia yang sekarang kita pakai pada iDevice kalian beberapa waktu lalu bercengkrama dengan Reddit untuk berbagi semua "tweak" yang telah dia instalkan pada iPhonenya.

Jadi buat kalian yang penasaran apa saja sih yang di-instalkan pada sebuah device miliknya, inilah ke 37 tweak jailbreak yang dia instalkan :

  1. Cydget ( PhotoExample, CyDialer ) 
  2. Cyntact
  3. Cyueue
  4. Veency
  5. FiveIconDock
  6. WinterBoard ( None )
  7. RingerXVIP
  8. VoicemailForwarder
  9. SafariDownloadManager
  10. Barrel ( Roll-Away )
  11. Activator ( VolumeHUDTap=iWhiteboard )
  12. VolumeBothUp/Down = SpringFlash
  13. StatusSwipe = SBSettings ( SeriousSBSettingHD )
  14. Bars
  15. CallBar
  16. DietBar
  17. DietBulletin
  18. f.lux
  19. FlashyStatus
  20. FolderCloser
  21. GlyphPatch
  22. Graviboard
  23. HarlemShake
  24. LowPowerBanner
  25. MarkThatMessage
  26. NoCoverFlow
  27. NoNewsIsGoodNews
  28. OpenNotifier ( Messages )
  29. PasswordPilotPro
  30. SleeptoLock
  31. SwictherMod
  32. Tab+
  33. TetherStatus
  34. TypeStatus
  35. TypingPrivacy
  36. Yourtube
  37. 3GUnrestrictor
Setelah melihat pada beberapa tweak mungkin kalian akan bertanya, "pasti dia tidak mengupdate ke iOS 7 kan?" dan kalian adalah benar!. 
Saurik belum mengupdate iPhonenya ke iOS 7 dan berikut alesannya. 

I'am not certain what to do about iOS 7. Apple ruined the web browser by adding the "scroll up for navbar" feature: it is horribly distracting and entirely useless. I could just remove it, but they also bring up a solid bar now with the back button. On iOS 6 they simply nailed it: the HUD was entirely gone except for a few transparent button that were always present, I seriously now do most of my browsing on my iPhone ( i'm typing this response on my iPhone, in fact ) , but i simply can't use iOS 7 safari. When i have time i might try to do some major surgery to "fix it", but until then iam on iOS 6. ( That said, i also rely on a ton of these extensions, and only very recently have some of them been ported. iOS 7 also screwed up the address book, and they use colors everywhere like red.. red means "this is dangerous or is an error", not "edit my alarm". I'm just distraught ).

Bila kalian ingin membaca lebih lengkap kalian bisa langsung membacanya di Reddit secara langsung

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