Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Ulasan Singkat Mengenai WWDC 2013,

Apple's Worldwide Developer's Conference ( WWDC ) untuk tahun 2013 telah diumumkan, konferensi 5 hari itu akan berlangsung pada 10 - 14 Juni di San Fransisco, California bertempat di Moscone Center.

Konferensi tahun ini terbuka bagi semua anggota "Apple's iOS Developer Program" , "iOS Developer Enterprise" , ataupun "Mac Developer Program". Tiket dapat mulai bisa dibeli pada hari Selasa tanggal 25 April kemarin, dimulai pada pukul 10.00 pagi waktu setempat.

Phillip Schiller, Apple's Senior Vice President dari bagian pemasaran global mengatakan ;

"We look forward to gathering at WWDC 2013 with the incredible community of iOS and OS X dvelopers, Our developers have had the most prolific and profitable year ever, and we're excited to show then the latest advances in software technologies and developer tools to help then create innovative new apps. We cant't wait to get new versions of iOS and OS X into their hands at WWDC".

Aktifitas yang akan berlangsung selama WWDC 2013 adalah :

  • More than 100 technical sessions presenterd by Apple engineers on wide range of topic for developing, deploying and integrating the latest iOS and OS X technologies.
  • More than 1.000 Apple engineers supporting over 100 hands-on labs and events to provide developers with code - level assistance, insight into optimal development techniques and guidance on how they can make the most of iOS and OS X twchnologies in their apps.
  • The latest innovations, features and capabilities of iOS and OS X, and how to enchance an apps functionality, performance, quality and design.
  • The opportunity to connect with thousands of fellow iOS and OS X developers fro, around the world, last year more than 60 countries were represented.
  • Engaging and inspirational lunchtime session with leading minds and influencers from the worlds of technology, science amd emtertainment.
  • Apple Design Awards which recognize iPhone, iPad, and Mac apps that demonstrate technical excellence, innovation and outstanding design.

Kalian para pengembang yang tidak memiliki kesempatan untuk menghadiri acara tersebut nanti merekan akan terus memberikan akses langsungnya, dan melihat seluruh sesi selama acara berlangsung di website developer Apple bagi kalian yang memiliki akun resmi developer setelah secara resmi dibuka.

Berikut adalah logo dari WWDC 2013 ;

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